Create an App
This guide will walk you through the process of creating a Lens App.
To create an App, follow these steps.
You MUST be authenticated as Builder create an App.
First, construct an App Metadata object with the necessary content.
- JSON Schema
Use the @lens-protocol/metadata package to construct a valid AppMetadata object:
import { MetadataAttributeType, app } from "@lens-protocol/metadata";
const metadata = app({ name: "XYZ", tagline: "The next big thing", description: "An app to rule them all", logo: "lens://4f91cab87ab5e4f5066f878b72…", developer: "John Doe <>", url: "", termsOfService: "", privacyPolicy: "", platforms: ["web", "ios", "android"],});
Next, upload the App Metadata object to a public URI.
import { storageClient } from "./storage-client";
const { uri } = await storageClient.uploadAsJson(metadata);
console.log(uri); // e.g., lens://4f91ca…
This example uses Lens Storage to host the Metadata object. See the Lens Metadata Standards guide for more information on hosting Metadata objects.
Next, deploy the Lens App smart contract.
- TypeScript
- GraphQL
Use the createApp action to deploy the Lens App smart contract.
import { uri } from "@lens-protocol/client";import { createApp } from "@lens-protocol/client/actions";
// …
const result = await createApp(sessionClient, { metadataUri: uri("lens://4f91..."), // the URI from the previous step});
- TypeScript
- GraphQL
Finally, handle the result using the adapter for the library of your choice:
See the Transaction Lifecycle guide for more information on how to determine the status of the transaction.
That's it—you now can start using your Lens App!