Manage Groups
This guide explains how to manage Groups on Lens.
Update Group Metadata
To update a Group Metadata, follow these steps.
You MUST be authenticated as Builder and be either the owner or an admin of the Group you intend to update.
First, create a new Group Metadata object with the updated details.
It's developer responsability to copy over any existing data that should be retained.
The process is similar to the one in the Create a Group guide, so we will keep this example brief.
import { group } from "@lens-protocol/metadata";
const metadata = group({ name: "XYZ", description: "My group description", icon: "lens://BsdfA…",});
Next, upload the Group Metadata object to a public URI.
Upload Metadata
import { storageClient } from "./storage-client";
// …
const { uri } = await storageClient.uploadAsJson(metadata);
console.log(uri); // e.g., lens://4f91ca…
If Grove storage was used you can also decide to edit the file at the existing URI. See Editing Content guide for more information.
Next, update the Group metadata URI with the new URI.
- TypeScript
- GraphQL
- React
Use the setGroupMetadata action to update the Group Metadata URI.
import { uri } from "@lens-protocol/client";import { setGroupMetadata } from "@lens-protocol/client/actions";
const result = await setGroupMetadata(sessionClient, { group:, metadataUri: uri("lens://4f91ca…"),});
if (result.isErr()) { return console.error(result.error);}
- TypeScript
- GraphQL
- React
Finally, handle the result using the adapter for the library of your choice:
See the Transaction Lifecycle guide for more information on how to determine the status of the transaction.
Access Control
The Group contract supports two roles: Owner and Administrator.
Administrators can:
Update the Group Metadata
Update the Group Rules
Update the Group Extra Data
The Owner can do everything the administrators can do, plus transfer ownership of the Group to another address.
See the Team Management guide for more information on how to manage these roles.