Help & Support

Managing Sponsorships

This guide covers how to manage your Lens Sponsorship contract.

Rate Limiting

Lens Sponsorships allow you to scale your app while protecting it from abuse. Sponsorships can be configured with app-wide as well as per-user rate limits with configurable reset windows. This gives the developer full visibility and control over the usage of their app.

input SponsorshipRateLimits {  """  The global rate limit.  """  global: SponsorshipRateLimit
  """  The user rate limit.  """  user: SponsorshipRateLimit}

Configure Limits

You can provide rate limits when deploying the Sponsorship contract as well as update them later.


Update Limits

First, create the transaction request to update the rate limits of a Sponsorship.

You MUST be authenticated as Builder and be either the owner or an admin of the App you intend to configure.

Use the updateSponsorshipLimits action to update the rate limits of the Lens Sponsorship smart contract.

import { evmAddress, SponsorshipRateLimitWindow } from "@lens-protocol/client";import { updateSponsorshipLimits } from "@lens-protocol/client/actions";
// …
const result = await updateSponsorshipLimits(sessionClient, {  sponsorship: evmAddress("0xe2f2a5C287993345a840db3B0845fbc70f5935a5"),  rateLimits: {    user: {      window: SponsorshipRateLimitWindow.Hour,      limit: 100,    },    global: {      window: SponsorshipRateLimitWindow.Day,      limit: 1_000_000,    },  },});


Handle Result

Then, handle the result using the adapter for the library of your choice:

import { handleOperationWith } from "@lens-protocol/client/viem";
// …
const result = await updateSponsorshipLimits(sessionClient, {  sponsorship: evmAddress("0xe2f2a5C287993345a840db3B0845fbc70f5935a5"),  rateLimits: {    // …  },}).andThen(handleOperationWith(walletClient));

See the Transaction Lifecycle guide for more information on how to determine the status of the transaction.

Exclusion List

To enable certain use-cases such as trusted VIP/users, the rate-limiting feature can be optionally bypassed for given addresses by adding them to an exclusion list.

Update Exclusion List


Prepare the Request

First, create the transaction request to update the exclusion list of a Sponsorship.

You MUST be authenticated as Builder and be either the owner or an admin of the App you intend to configure.

Use the updateSponsorshipExclusionList action to update the exclusions list of the Lens Sponsorship smart contract.

You can add and remove entries as part of the same transaction.

Update Exclusion List
import { evmAddress, SponsorshipRateLimitWindow } from "@lens-protocol/client";import { updateSponsorshipExclusionList } from "@lens-protocol/client/actions";
// …
const result = await updateSponsorshipExclusionList(sessionClient, {  sponsorship: evmAddress("0xe2f2a5C287993345a840db3B0845fbc70f5935a5"),  toAdd: [    {      address: evmAddress("0x1234…"),      label: "Bob The Builder",    },  ],  toRemove: [evmAddress("0x5678…")],});


Handle Result

Then, handle the result using the adapter for the library of your choice:

import { handleOperationWith } from "@lens-protocol/client/viem";
// …
const result = await updateSponsorshipExclusionList(sessionClient, {  sponsorship: evmAddress("0xe2f2a5C287993345a840db3B0845fbc70f5935a5"),  toAdd: [    // …  ],  toRemove: [    // …  ],}).andThen(handleOperationWith(walletClient));

See the Transaction Lifecycle guide for more information on how to determine the status of the transaction.

Fetch Exclusion List

Use the paginated fetchSponsorshipLimitExclusions action to fetch a list of addresses that are excluded from the rate limits.

import { evmAddress } from "@lens-protocol/client";import { fetchSponsorshipLimitExclusions } from "@lens-protocol/client/actions";
import { client } from "./client";
const posts = await fetchSponsorshipLimitExclusions(client, {  filter: {    sponsorship evmAddress("0x1234…"),  },});
if (result.isErr()) {  return console.error(result.error);}
// items: Array<{ sponsorship: EvmAddress, label: string, address: EvmAddress, createdAt: DateTimeTime }>const { items, pageInfo } = result.value;

See the Pagination guide for more information on how to handle paginated results.


To ensure that sponsored transactions are only used by the intended users, the Sponsorship contract uses a list of authorized signers. These signers are one or more addresses that need to supply their signature to every transaction sent to the Sponsorship contract, indicating that the transaction originates from their app.

This is the mechanism behind the allowLensAccess flag you encountered when deploying the Sponsorship contract—it allows the Lens API to sponsor transactions for users while they are logged into your app.

More information on how to configure signers for custom use-cases will be available soon.

Access Control

The Sponsorship contract supports two roles: Owner and Administrators.

Administrators can:

  • Add and remove authorized signers

  • Add and remove addresses to the rate limit exclusion list

  • Update the rate limits

  • Pause and unpause the Sponsorship

The Owner can do everything the administrators can do, plus:

  • Transfer ownership

  • Update the list of administrators

  • Withdraw the funds from the Sponsorship

See the Team Management guide for more information on how to manage these roles.